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getting started

"getting started" 예문

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  • He thinks he's just getting started.
    그는 이제막 시작이라고 생각 할거야 He thinks he's just getting started.
  • Download the Windows help Download the Mac help Getting started
    윈도우 도움 다운로드 하기 맥 도움 다운로드 하기 Getting started
  • The first in a series of collectible handbooks for cyclists, Getting Started in Road Cycling is designed to guide you through the beginning of your journey as a cyclist.
    사이클리스트를 위한 소장용 핸드북의 첫 시리즈, Getting Started in Road Cycling은 사이클리스트로서 첫 발을 내딛을 때 훌륭한 가이드가 될 것 입니다.
  • For guidance on how to get out on the road and experience the meditative effect of turning the pedals, our Getting Started in Road Cycling handbook is a great place to begin.
    길 위에서 페달을 돌리며 명상적인 효과를 경험하는 방법을 더 자세히 알고 싶다면 라파의 Getting Started in Road Cycling 핸드북을 확인하세요.
  • Basic HTML familiarity, as covered in Getting started with HTML . Objective: To learn about the HTML head, its purpose, the most important items it can contain, and what effect it can have on the HTML document.
    HTML의 기본 구조, Getting started with HTML 문서의 내용을 사전에 읽으면 좋습니다. 목적: HTML의 head을 사용하는 목적과 HTML 문서에 어떤 영향을 끼칠 수 있는지에 대해 학습합니다.
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